
December to Remember

No, I’m not going to sell you a used car or diamonds. However one of my favorite Christmas traditions is to watch those iconic Christmas commercials with the new car with the big red bow on top or the cheesy jewelry store new-infinity-heart-forever-fire-pathways-journey necklace, then turn to my husband with a dreamy smile and say, “I can’t wait for Christmas!” To which he rolls his eyes and shakes his head, and never finds the moment quite as brilliantly hilarious as I do. It really is the littlest things that keep me entertained.

This year I’ve decided to give myself a present. It’s free, it’s a little thing, and I’m immensely excited about it. I’m giving myself the gift of time by not writing any new posts for the blog this month. I know, I know, I’m totally ruining your entire Christmas which you’ve inevitably planned around my bi-weekly posts.

But wait! There’s more…

At least once a week I’m going to dig through the archives and post a link on my various social media sites (see top of blog to follow me if you aren’t already!) to an older post. It will be a December of my best-hits and my favorites, as well as some from back in my pubescent-blogger days before my voice changed, while I was still trying to figure all this writing stuff out. I’ll also be continually updating the bottom of this post with the links to whatever I’m publicizing over the course of the month.

To clarify, I’m not giving up writing for the month. I love it, and hate it, and need it, and am indifferent toward it, and am filled by it, and burdened with it, and can’t live without it all at once. Our relationship status: It’s complicated. I’m just going to use the extra time to spend on some other projects that keep getting put off. My gift to me is the freedom of space in my head to focus on one task. I hope you enjoy (re)reading and sharing (the best gift you can give any blogger) the favorites as well as some of the more obscure pieces. Feel free to make requests in the comments.

Merry Christmas, friends!

New links (to be posted here) coming SOON!

First stop on this tour going waaaay back into the archives: my first blog post EVER. This is still my husband’s favorite. Which I have mixed feelings about because I would like to think I’ve gotten better over time…

1. Smell (obviously my title-ing skills still need work!)

A friend/family favorite:

2. From the Depths of the Dryer

For all my Kickback friends! Already looking forward to next summer:


A good reminder for all of us with holiday parties coming up (the video is a must-watch if you haven’t seen it yet, trust me!):

4. In the Eye of the Beholder

My brain never turns off. Not even while I’m doing a Rugged Maniac race:

5. Rugged Maniac Life

My most viewed post EVER. I still think of this whenever I fly:

6. Strangers On A Plane

Sometimes it’s just too much and I want to quit:

7. Weary

One of my favorites, and always a good reminder for me:

8. Jericho

Ending the list at 9. Because this is my post and I do what I want! Looking back to a post a wrote last year remembering NYE the year before. A double remember!

9. The Sippy Cup Years

Hope you’ve enjoyed this look back with me. I so appreciate you reading and commenting and sharing! Your encouragement means so much. May your new year be blessed as you continue to know God more, know yourself more, and how He made you to serve Him more! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year friends!

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