
Word Wednesday: Life

Life—Acts 17:24-28a

24 The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man,[c] 25 nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything.26 And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, 27 that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us, 28 for “‘In him we live and move and have our being’…”

Sometimes I get so caught up in my work that I become more than a little self-centered. I start to believe that my writing, my study, my service is the most important part of my life—of the peoples’ lives with whom I’m connected. I get so caught up in the work of my service that I forget what I am first and foremost called to do in my life is to serve. Any good work given to me is not only for my benefit, but the benefit of those the Lord has placed in my immediate sphere of influence.

God doesn’t just show up when I am feeling accomplished. As if He is somehow summoned by my checking off my writing to-do list. He doesn’t need anything from me. Instead He pours out everything I need to accomplish His will for me. Do you see the difference there? It’s not that I am giving Him the gift of my service, but that His loving provision for me inspires me to respond in gratitude through service.

As I grope my way through this life, often looking for the next step as I’m in the process of taking it, I am comforted knowing that it is not my own efforts that propel me forward, but the One who is near to me is constantly drawing me to Himself. He is the giver of life—of life in abundance.

Do you ever feel tempted to serve out of your own strength? How can you live a life marked by serving out of God’s abundant provision this week? Who has the Lord placed in your immediate sphere of influence that you can serve with the gifts you’ve been given?


8 thoughts on “Word Wednesday: Life”

  1. Aleah! Can I just say that this is exactly what I needed to hear! This has been my biggest struggle this semester where I find myself putting myself first & everything I seem to do is because it will benefit me the most. I miss the days when I got serve others more than myself and I’m trying to find out how God wants me to serve others here in my everyday life. Thank you for the reminder!

    1. When I think of someone obviously gifted with service, you’re one of the first people that come to mind! I’ll be praying you find opportunity to use your gifts. Will you be home for Christmas?

      1. That is very sweet of you! Unfortunately college seems to be a time of self-promotion. Several of my friends agree with me that when you get here everything is about doing what is best for you to get the best grades, or make the most friends, and so forth, and it’s easy to forget why God actually has us here. I’ll be home in 17 days!!! Incredibly excited 😀

        1. Yay! Can’t wait to catch up. I’d love to hear more of your thoughts on this topic, too. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the needs of college students as it relates to spiritual formation!

  2. “It’s not that I’m giving Him the gift of my service, but that His loving provision for me inspires me to respond in gratitude through service.” So well said, and such an important distinction. Thank you (and Happy Thanksgiving).

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