
Word Wednesday: Move

Move—Deuteronomy 2:1-3

 “Then we turned and journeyed into the wilderness in the direction of the Red Sea, as the Lord told me. And for many days we traveled around Mount Seir. Then the Lord said to me, ‘You have been traveling around this mountain country long enough. Turn northward…”

At a certain point it’s just enough. You’ve been working hard enough, wandering long enough.

There comes a point when you reach a crossroads. A splintered, sun-baked signpost sticks out of the cracked ground. One arrow points to Safe the other, Risk. Now, safe looks safe. Actually, it looks exactly like the terrain you’ve been travelling for a long while. Maybe safe isn’t the best word, but comfortable. You have travelled safe with it’s mostly unvarying flat ground. Now, that route hasn’t actually taken you on any incredible adventures, but it also hasn’t led you anywhere you couldn’t handle.

Then there’s risk. Who knows where risk leads? From what you can see the trail splits off in disjointed directions. When you strain your eyes against the enormous desert sun you can make out the faint wavy outlines of a space that appears to be green and flourishing in the distance—or is it just a mirage? It is impossible to know for sure from the foot of the signpost.

So what will you choose today? The trails you’ve already blazed, that you know you could walk eyes-closed? Or will you strike out down a new path? Hoist up that baggage, hitch up your courage and turn northward. You’ve been wandering long enough.

How can you step out in faith this week? Where is the Lord calling you to change directions and follow Him? Will you follow faithfully, even if you’re not sure where He’s taking you?

the hills

5 thoughts on “Word Wednesday: Move”

  1. I love this. And I am so grateful for friends who can stand with me at the crossroads and remind me that while God promises to be my companion on the safe road, he is also a seasoned tour guide on the riskier route 🙂

    1. Yes! I was thinking about the ‘safe’ route this morning after reading that Relevant post you shared about living our ordinary lives. Maybe the long haul of ‘safe’ with its largely unvarying terrain is the more difficult slog at times!

    1. Thanks for your encouragement Kate! And, actually, I thought the same thing: “It’s Wednesday already?!” I think a 5min Free-write ebook should be in your future, friend!

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